InnoHub E&I Prototyping Fund

What is the ProtoFund?

The InnoHub E&I Prototyping Fund is a collaborative program offered by the Labriola Innovation Hub with support from faculty and mentors, and with funding from generous donations to the E&I Foundation Fund at Colorado School of Mines. The program awards student-led teams up to $500 in the first round of funding and up to $2,000 in the second to be used to build prototypes, and connects them with the resources, tools, and mentors they need to bring their ideas to reality. All applications are welcome, but team applications are prioritized first, specifically multi-disciplinary, multi-program teams.

This is a semester-long program, key dates are below. At least one representative from each team must be present at both workshops and the final showcase. 

Aerial view of Colorado School Mines Campus

Begin your application today.

Applications will be accepted from January 6th-26th, 2025

yellow arrow pointing towards apply now

How does the ProtoFund Work?


Who It’s For

This program is for students who are passionate about building new products and have an idea for an innovative hardware or software technology 



  • Funds must be used for tools and materials to build the prototype (not to pay someone else to build it for you) 
  • Funds cannot be used to purchase software or pay for outside assistance, including gifts for testing and/or feedback 
  • All Mines students (undergrad and grad) are eligible to apply 
  • Teams will be given preference (individual applicants will be considered) 
  • Multi-program collaborations will be given preference 
  • All teams must have at least one Mines student, but may also include members from outside the university as well 


How To Participate 

  • Awards will be granted twice per year (Fall and Spring semesters) 
  • Approximately 8 – 12 teams will receive awards each semester 
  • Applicants can apply for up to $500 in prototyping funds for the first phase and up to $2000 for the second phase 
  • All funds will be distributed as a reimbursement for your expenses at the end of the program (you must collect and submit all receipts) 

Resources & Events



Two mandatory workshops focused on best practices in prototyping led by the Innovation Hub team and industry experts, dates will be provided upon acceptance

Teams will have access to InnoHub shops and spaces, as well as other equipment and tools provided by key partners



Teams will have access to mentoring from InnoHub and Mines staff and faculty, as well as industry experts and external partners

All funded projects will participate in an event at the end of the semester to showcase your prototypes to the Mines community, date will be provided upon acceptance

Two Mines students working in the computer science lab

This program is adapted from the NYU Prototyping Fund, created by Dr. Anne-Laure Fayard in 2014. Victoria Bill, the InnoHub Director, worked with her to adapt and run the program through the NYU MakerSpace starting in 2021, and we are excited to bring this opportunity to students at Colorado School of Mines.